суббота, 31 мая 2014 г.

Chapters 22-24

I. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:
to make a clean breast of sth – чистосердечно признаться в чем либо
to tear sb limb from limb – перемывать кому-то кости,
a sleeping-draught снотворное,
to and fro – взад и вперед,
curtain calls - поклон,
pull oneself together - собраться,
magnanimous - великодушный,
to cramp one's style - мешать,
contrition - раскаяние,
a succinct account of sth – краткое содержание,
a bereavement – тяжелая утрата,
an austere and snug little town – аскетичный и уютный маленький город,
to adhere to sth –придерживаться чего-то.

VII. Answer the questions:
1. Why couldn't Julie take her troubles to Charles or Dolly as usual?
She thought it was simply unfair to Charles and it would hurt his feelings once again. As fir Dolly, Julia knew that she felt jealousy and didn’t want to tell her about her troubles because the relationships were getting colder.
2. How different was Charles's circle from that of Tom's? Charles was the representative of high society.
3. Was Michael right when criticizing Julie's acting? I think he was right because in that situatuin Julia’s emotions overwhelmed her and she lost control.
4. How did Julie react to her husband's criticism? At first it was shocked by his criticize but that she realized that he was right.
5. How did the breakup with Tom influence Julie's attitude to Michael and Charles? Julia decided ti give a chance to Charles. At the same time she played more attention to her husband and realized that for the last several years she behaved in such a way he didn’t deserved. She felt guilty in some way.
6. Why did Julie decide to spend the summer with her mother and aunt? She wanted to relazx and make up her mind.
7. What kind of lifestyle did Aunt Carrie and Mrs Lambert have? Fior Julia such life was quiet boring because every day was the same to another.
8. How did the old ladies treat Julie? How did they feel about her occupation? They treat her well and with respect butt they didn’t’ approve of her profession and life style on the whole.
9. How did Julie imagine Charles's love for her? It was just another role for her, a little adventure which she didn’t take seriously.it was simply interesting for her to see Char;es’ reaction.
10. When in Paris, what did Julie mean when saying, "I feel like a queen returning from an exile?" She was happy to come back to her life style.

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