The article published on the website on April 18, 2013 is headlined Why is it the men who are the kooky ones in comedies these days?. It was written by Catherine Shoard and dedicated to romantic comedies.
It's a very good idea of proposing to watch the trailer to the film Love Is All You Need. I think in such a way the reader of the article os absorbed with the content.
at this article the author mentioned several ramcoms such as:Love is All You Need (with so celebrated actor Pierce Brosnan), I Know Where I'mGoing, Failure to Launch, Crazy Stupid Love, The Five-Year Engagement, Silver Linings.
I think that the man's role in ramcoms is really important. For example Pierce Brosnan in Love is All You Need. He is a wildly successful vegetable magnate, persistently hit on by beautiful women, with a sweet son, swish penthouse in the city, whopping pad in the country. Certainly his role is great!
Also the author trieв to analyse the two ramcoms: Love is All You Need and Silver Linings Playbook (that did so well at the Oscars). The author emphasized that It is because they are both romcoms in which it is the man who needs to find his marbles.These films reflected a world in which men rescued women, saw past their failings and loved them regardless of their daftness.Dressing the romcom up like a drama makes it respectable.
It is necessory to say that Just three romantic comedies have done well at the Oscars over the last 40 years: Silver Linings, As Good as it Gets (Jack Nicholson rejects his meds) and Annie Hall (Woody Allen out-kooks Diane Keaton). I think it's because of its unseriousness and easiness.
As an ordinary lady I sometimes watch ramcoms, because when I'm boring they elevate me. I think that the author titled her articke with the question delibarately, because she wanted everybody to think over it.
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ОтветитьУдалитьIt was written by Catherine Shoard and IS dedicated to romantic comedies.
ОтветитьУдалитьIt's a very good idea TO proposE to watch the trailer to the film Love Is All You Need.
I think THAT in such a way the reader of the article IS INVOLVED in the content.
IN this article the author mentioneS several ramcoms such as ...