вторник, 26 ноября 2013 г.

Review #2 Dangerous Minds

The topic under consideration is based on the film 'Dangerous Minds'. It is a 1995 American drama film, starring Michelle Pfeiffer. The director of the film is John N. Smith. It is based on the autobiography My Posse Don't Do Homework by former U.S. Marine LouAnne Johnson. The genre of the film is biography, crime and drama. The setting of the story is Belmont, California, the USA. 

Now let me pass to the whole reconstruction of the events. The ex-marine Louanne Johnson gets a job of a teacher in one of the schools in Belmont. At the very beginning of her teaching, she is really shocked by the students, their behaviour and the conditions in school. Nevertheless she copes with all the difficulties and continue working. She is really fond of school. Louanne not only teaches them at school but helps them in their lives as well. She tries to cope with their difficulties with them but her only failure is Emilio who is shot. Actually, she breaks all the school rules, but at the same time students begin to respect and love her. Loanne understands them completely. When Mrs. Johnson, the headmaster of the school, says that she is going to leave the school, her explanation is not convinced her students who are needed in her and ask her to stay. The teacher decides to stay to be with her class.

Speaking about the acting, Michelle Pfeiffer did her best role I think. In the film she is determined, responsible, she is deeply interested in teaching, she adors her students despite all the problems. I think she is a model to follow for every teacher. Speaking about other actors, I can't but mention Wade Dominguz as Emilio Ramírez. For the first sight he is negative in the film, but to the end of the movie he begins to attract me. He is very charizmatic, to my mind. 

Besides, I would like to single out the music of the film is amazing! I like to listen to such style of music as rap and hip-hop, especially the American one. In general the themes of the movie is very close to me. 

In conclusin, I'd like to say, that As I’m going to be a teacher, the film and the methods of teaching will be useful for me.In my opinion only her love and belief in her students helped Louanne to change their lives. I don't know whether I go to schoolas a teacher or not, but if I meet such students I wll know what to do.

воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013 г.

 Review #1 The Ron Clark Story 
8. Movies. Give a review of the movie “The Ron Clark Story”. Comment on its tagline, “No one believed in them. Except him.”
The story under consideration is based on the movie The Ron Clark Story. The Ron Clark Story is a 2006 television film, starring Matthew Perry. The film directed by Randa Haines. Besides Matthew Perry the cast are Brandon Mychal Smith as Tayshawn, Hannah Hodson as Shameika, Micah Stephen Williams as Julio and others. The setting of the film is Harlem, New York.

The film based on the real events. Ron Clark leaves his native calm town to teach in a New York City public school. He is a white teacher who tries to make a difference in the lives of his minority students despite nobody, including the students themselves, believing in them. “No one believed in them. Except him.” Actually only Ron Clark believe in the children, because he loves his work.  As Steve Jobs once said: “the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Less than for term he will manage to reach good results, to deserve the children’s credit. Clark is able to make a remarkable difference in the lives of his students. Even when he is almost overcome by pneumonia, Clark continues to work with his students, hoping that he can raise their test scores to an acceptable level, or possibly even higher.  In the end, Principal Turner reveals that Mr. Clark's class got the highest average in the state and Clark was regarded by his students as their best teacher.

Speaking about the acting, Matthew Perry has been a favorite actor of mine for a long time, I was absolutely blown away at his portrayal of Ron Clark, I have always considered Matthew Perry to be a very talented actor but this role was and probably will be the greatest performance of his career. The kids are brilliant. I couldn’t image that children can play such strong and serious roles. Brandon Smith as Tayshawn and Hannah Hodson as Shameika were perfect. 

Another thing, which should be mentioned, is music. To my mind in cinematograph musical illustration helps us to understand more precisely all feelings and emotions of the actors. This is very pleasant and poignant music, listening to which is a great pleasure.

I thought this movie was great. It really kept you on the edge of your seat. This is a movie for all ages. I cannot believe how the kids acted in school. As I’m going to be a teacher, the film and the methods of teaching will be useful for me.  I guess I just really liked this movie. I am a big fan of these types of movies and this one was awesome. 

среда, 6 ноября 2013 г.

School Education in Britain and the USA

1.What types of schools do they have in the UK?
There are different types of schools in the UK: primary school, secondary school, independent school, private school, public school, comprehensive school, grammar school, mixed sex school, selective school,  fee-paying school, free school.
2. When do children start/leave school?
At the age of 5 children start school and they leave school at the age of 16.
3.What are the stages of schooling according to age?
1) nursery school/playschool (2-3)
2) primary school (5-11)
3) secondary school (11-16)
4. What exams do pupils have to take?
In state schools: SATs (at 7,11,14)
                             GCSE (at 15-16)
                             A-level (at 17-18)
In private schools: the same exams + The Common Entrance Exam
5.     Do school leavers have to take entrance exams to go to university?
Yes, they do. School leavers have to take entrance exams to go to university.
6.     It is well known that there is no written constitution in the UK. Is there such a thing as a national curriculum?
Yes, there is such a thing as a national curriculum.(1988)
7.     How long should it take to complete full-time compulsory education?
It takes 11 years to complete full-time compulsory education.
8.     What should primary school and secondary school concentrate on?
Primary school should concentrate on the three R’s – reading, writing and ‘rithmetic. Secondary school should concentrate on the studying subjects according to the National Curriculum.
9. In what case can entrance exams be abandoned?
10. What should be admission requirements to primary and secondary school?
11. What is the purpose of elite school education? 
The purpose of elite school education is to provide firm knowledge and give pupils the better education, which they could have in state schools.
12. What subjects should be an integral part of school curriculum? What subjects can be optional for university students?
English, Mathematics and Science should be an integral part of school curriculum. A modern foreign language, Technology and Design, History, Geography, Music, Art, PE can be optional for students.
13. What is the essence of private schooling in Russia?
In Russia private schooling is only for children of rich parents. Such schools are non-governmental property as usual. Children in such schools are disobedient, capricious and spoilt. Very often, they don’t want to study well, because they know, their parents are able to pay for them during their life.
14. What is a problem pupil?
A problem pupil is a child who has some problems at school connected with other pupils, teachers, school subjects etc. Such child can’t cope all the schooling difficulties, so they are dazed, diffident, depressed and unmotivated.
15. What is your idea of a good teacher?
A good teacher should be high-educated, should know their subject and make the lesson interesting; should be a good listener too; should give boundaries and be firm and fair; should be able to install confidence in their class.
16. Looking back on your school days, what experiences can you describe as the most 1) memorable, 2) exciting, 3) painful?
The most memorable event in my school days is my first day at school, when I saw my first teacher, many bouquets of flowers, my schoolmates…I was really happy!
The most exciting is the day when I received the gold medal.
The most painful were my preparations to the EGE (ЕГЭ).
17. How do you feel on the morning of an exam?
On the morning of an exam I was really disturbed, uneasy and irresolute, because it was not easy for me to pass so serious exams.
18. In your opinion, which exam is easier to pass: oral or written?
I think, that written exam is easier, but less effective. In such a way you worry less, as at the exam there are only you and a piece of paper, not the teacher.
19. Do you prefer to be the first to answer in an oral exam?
I don’t like to act in such a way.
20. Do you use rough-work sheets in a written exam? Why?
Of course I use it, because they make me more confident and at rough-work sheets I may make a mistake and correct it without any influence on my mark.
21. Do you feel uncomfortable if a teacher stands next to you during a written exam?
Yes, such actions make me feel uncomfortable.
22. Do you think a crib can be of any use?
Sometimes crib is useful, when your teacher is out of the class, for example.
23. Have you ever panicked during an exam?
As every normal human being I panic during my exams, because “to know everything is to know nothing”.
24. Do you think it is a way out to copy from other students?
It is not the way out to copy from other students, because sooner or later, you will have to study the material yourself.
25. What is the most difficult thing about exams?
The most difficult thing for me is to cope with scare and to fall asleep besor the exam.
26. What are the advantages and disadvantages of private schools (boarding schools, co-educational vs single-sex schools, school uniforms)?
27. Is it a good idea for pupils to specialize in their “best” subjects at school?
I think it may be possible only for pupils who are going to college or university, not for the primary school.
28. What’s from other students? Why?
I think 7 years is from other students, because usually they begin to interest in reading and writing, they psychologically are ready for stydying.
29. Should children stay at school until they are 18 or 19? 
I think if they have an ability to finish school at the age of 16, for example, they shouldn’t stay at school until they are 18 or 19. It’s too long, I think.
30. Is it a good idea for pupils to participate in the running of schools?
It’s not a good idea at all, but it’s very funny. One day every pupil should try to do it, and be punished, only after that, they realize that such actions lead to poor progress and great problems with teaching stuff and parents.
31. Are national and international exams necessary? What are the pros and cons of regular performance tests and continuous assessment by teachers and lecturers?
National and international exams are necessary. If you take an international exam you will know your educational level according to the world standards. With the help of regular performance tests teachers may see the pupils’ progress in subjects. On the contrary, such tests disturb pupils very much. They feel panic, diffidence, they are confused.
32. Can computers assess learning?

Some parts of school activities, for example, tests may be assessed by computers. All the written works (summaries, essays, compositions) should be assessed by professional teachers.

понедельник, 4 ноября 2013 г.

School education

Audio 3.3
1.       There are many reasons for students to stay away from school. To my mind boredom is the most important, because, when the students are not motivated, are not involved in the educational process they don’t want to go to school. The second reason is the influence of friends. To my mind it’s very important for parents to know who are the friends of their child, because being a teenager; the child is often under the influence of their friends. If the company is not so good, it will be the main case of child’s truancy at school. I think that sometimes there is interconnection between problems at school and problems at home. They depend from each other. Of course truancy caused many problems: bad marks, misbehaviour, problems at school, family problems.

2.        1-c

3.        I’ve ranked them in such a way.
1)      more interesting lessons
2)      teaching students to respect school
3)      more responsible parenting
4)      strict punishment
5)      police involvement
The students will love school if the lessons are more interesting, so they will be absorbed with the educational process and won’t think about leaving school without any reason. At school the students should understand how to respect school, they should realize all the importance of being educated. I think if the parents are responsible, the children will have fewer problems with the truancy. Strict punishment and police involvement are the least things to do. (Only if the child is out of any control)

Audio 3.4
1. Public school: is quite expensive. In that school the quality of education is really high. Only rich people can the possibility to study there. The best employers begin to look for people at public school, so the chance to find very perspective job is very high.
State school is free and it’s rather interesting to study there because of the mix of students. Speaking about life chances it’s not easy to get a good job after the state school, because the best employers look for students at state school, only after the students from public schools.
Most of all, I agree with the statement that students from public schools are more called-for. Actually, the situation is the same in our country.
2. Educational systems
The educational system in Russia consists of: pre-schools(kindergarten) , general schools, specialised secondary and higher education. Compulsory education is for children from 6(7) to 17 years of age. There are various types of schools: general secondary schools, schools specialising in a certain subject, high schools, gymnasiums and so on. After 9th form pupils have to sit for examinations. Also they have a choice between entering the 10th grade of a general secondary school or going to professional school. Pupils who finish the general secondary school, receive a secondary education certificate, giving them the right to enter any higher educational establishment. One has to study in the institute for 5 years. Higher educational institutions train students in one or several specialisations.
The educational system in the USA consists of elementary school (age 6), Junior high school (age 11), Senior high school (age 14) College/University (4 year first degree course)/Junior college (2 year course).
The educational system in the UK consists of primary school (age 5), secondary/comprehensive school (from 11 to 16), GCSE (age 16), A level (age 18), Course of higher education at college or University (3 years from the age of 18).
School uniform
Nowadays there is a problem of wearing or not the school uniform.
In Russia there is a tendency to introduce the school uniform at all the state schools. I believe that children should wear the school uniform, because in such a way there is no social inequality at school. Moreover school uniform disciplines children. Children have little reasons to divert their attention from the educational process. If the school has the uniform, it has the face in such a way and looks like more prestigious.
Some people believe that it’s not necessary to wear the school uniform, because the individuality is rules out. Also, nowadays it’s not cheap to buy the uniform.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that it’s up for every school to decide whether it’s necessary or not to wear the school uniform.

-          state-wide exams/continual assessment
At my schooling years I had the continual assessment. I think, that it’s better to finish every school year with such assessment, because in such a way the pupils got used to them. In other way it is not easy to pass the state-wide exams, because pupils just don’t know how to cope with them. It’s not easy for them in psychical way.