среда, 6 ноября 2013 г.

School Education in Britain and the USA

1.What types of schools do they have in the UK?
There are different types of schools in the UK: primary school, secondary school, independent school, private school, public school, comprehensive school, grammar school, mixed sex school, selective school,  fee-paying school, free school.
2. When do children start/leave school?
At the age of 5 children start school and they leave school at the age of 16.
3.What are the stages of schooling according to age?
1) nursery school/playschool (2-3)
2) primary school (5-11)
3) secondary school (11-16)
4. What exams do pupils have to take?
In state schools: SATs (at 7,11,14)
                             GCSE (at 15-16)
                             A-level (at 17-18)
In private schools: the same exams + The Common Entrance Exam
5.     Do school leavers have to take entrance exams to go to university?
Yes, they do. School leavers have to take entrance exams to go to university.
6.     It is well known that there is no written constitution in the UK. Is there such a thing as a national curriculum?
Yes, there is such a thing as a national curriculum.(1988)
7.     How long should it take to complete full-time compulsory education?
It takes 11 years to complete full-time compulsory education.
8.     What should primary school and secondary school concentrate on?
Primary school should concentrate on the three R’s – reading, writing and ‘rithmetic. Secondary school should concentrate on the studying subjects according to the National Curriculum.
9. In what case can entrance exams be abandoned?
10. What should be admission requirements to primary and secondary school?
11. What is the purpose of elite school education? 
The purpose of elite school education is to provide firm knowledge and give pupils the better education, which they could have in state schools.
12. What subjects should be an integral part of school curriculum? What subjects can be optional for university students?
English, Mathematics and Science should be an integral part of school curriculum. A modern foreign language, Technology and Design, History, Geography, Music, Art, PE can be optional for students.
13. What is the essence of private schooling in Russia?
In Russia private schooling is only for children of rich parents. Such schools are non-governmental property as usual. Children in such schools are disobedient, capricious and spoilt. Very often, they don’t want to study well, because they know, their parents are able to pay for them during their life.
14. What is a problem pupil?
A problem pupil is a child who has some problems at school connected with other pupils, teachers, school subjects etc. Such child can’t cope all the schooling difficulties, so they are dazed, diffident, depressed and unmotivated.
15. What is your idea of a good teacher?
A good teacher should be high-educated, should know their subject and make the lesson interesting; should be a good listener too; should give boundaries and be firm and fair; should be able to install confidence in their class.
16. Looking back on your school days, what experiences can you describe as the most 1) memorable, 2) exciting, 3) painful?
The most memorable event in my school days is my first day at school, when I saw my first teacher, many bouquets of flowers, my schoolmates…I was really happy!
The most exciting is the day when I received the gold medal.
The most painful were my preparations to the EGE (ЕГЭ).
17. How do you feel on the morning of an exam?
On the morning of an exam I was really disturbed, uneasy and irresolute, because it was not easy for me to pass so serious exams.
18. In your opinion, which exam is easier to pass: oral or written?
I think, that written exam is easier, but less effective. In such a way you worry less, as at the exam there are only you and a piece of paper, not the teacher.
19. Do you prefer to be the first to answer in an oral exam?
I don’t like to act in such a way.
20. Do you use rough-work sheets in a written exam? Why?
Of course I use it, because they make me more confident and at rough-work sheets I may make a mistake and correct it without any influence on my mark.
21. Do you feel uncomfortable if a teacher stands next to you during a written exam?
Yes, such actions make me feel uncomfortable.
22. Do you think a crib can be of any use?
Sometimes crib is useful, when your teacher is out of the class, for example.
23. Have you ever panicked during an exam?
As every normal human being I panic during my exams, because “to know everything is to know nothing”.
24. Do you think it is a way out to copy from other students?
It is not the way out to copy from other students, because sooner or later, you will have to study the material yourself.
25. What is the most difficult thing about exams?
The most difficult thing for me is to cope with scare and to fall asleep besor the exam.
26. What are the advantages and disadvantages of private schools (boarding schools, co-educational vs single-sex schools, school uniforms)?
27. Is it a good idea for pupils to specialize in their “best” subjects at school?
I think it may be possible only for pupils who are going to college or university, not for the primary school.
28. What’s from other students? Why?
I think 7 years is from other students, because usually they begin to interest in reading and writing, they psychologically are ready for stydying.
29. Should children stay at school until they are 18 or 19? 
I think if they have an ability to finish school at the age of 16, for example, they shouldn’t stay at school until they are 18 or 19. It’s too long, I think.
30. Is it a good idea for pupils to participate in the running of schools?
It’s not a good idea at all, but it’s very funny. One day every pupil should try to do it, and be punished, only after that, they realize that such actions lead to poor progress and great problems with teaching stuff and parents.
31. Are national and international exams necessary? What are the pros and cons of regular performance tests and continuous assessment by teachers and lecturers?
National and international exams are necessary. If you take an international exam you will know your educational level according to the world standards. With the help of regular performance tests teachers may see the pupils’ progress in subjects. On the contrary, such tests disturb pupils very much. They feel panic, diffidence, they are confused.
32. Can computers assess learning?

Some parts of school activities, for example, tests may be assessed by computers. All the written works (summaries, essays, compositions) should be assessed by professional teachers.

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